Wednesday 22 January 2014

Post Production

As part of the post production process of my music video, I need to research where my music video will be shown or watched by members of my target audience and other audiences too.
YouTube is a video sharing website which was created in February 2005.  Individuals upload videos onto the website which can be watched by other people. As the video sharing website became popular, larger companies started offering material on the site. Youtube has also become a advertising centre. Adverts can be seen before videos are viewed. In November 2006, YouTube was brought by google for the price of $1.65 billion.
Many artists now use YouTube as the main viewing platform for members of their target audience to view their music videos. Official music videos are uploaded by  the bands official page on YouTube which is partly run by the record company they belong too. On YouTube, many unknown bands have made their way to the top by uploading their music and music videos. The song I am using for my artist: "Glue by Nina Nesbitt" has a total of 100,513 views. She is still a relatively new artist with only 1 EP album released. The large amount of views ammounted for this one song suggests that YouTube and easy access to her music has boosted her credibility and popularity as a artist.

I am planning to place my video on Youtube. If I was going to release my track officially into the music market then I would be placing the video on YouTube to gain followers. Instead, I am going to place the video on YouTube to gain valuable feedback from members of my potential target audience.

iTunes is one of the biggest online music download sites available. it is run by apple who launched the store to link up with their music playing products such as the ipod nano and the ipod classic. iTunes has recently started offering a new feature; the ability to buy music videos. If I were to release my music video I would consider getting it available to buy on the Apple iTunes store so my target audience do have the opportunity to buy the music video along with the song if they so wish.

I know it is vital that I place my video up on YouTube for free. This is due to my audience feedback saying this is the way they use most to view music videos. It would be up there for free meaning my artist and any record company she would be signed too would not make any money. However, it would encourage audiences to listen to the music by Tempany and encourage them to purchase the music. I would also put the video up on iTunes for sale.

As for music channels, I believe that approaching both 4Music and MTV would be the best way to advance. By approaching both companies there is a possibility that my music video could be shown on both channels increasing the amount of people who could view the video. This also allows all members of the audience to view the video on 4Music as that channel is now available to everybody since the digital switchover. But it also my artist to make conections with the larger company of MTV which could prove helpful in the future.

Tuesday 14 January 2014


“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns. Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. It is also a great motivator because it makes people interested in what they are makes life more fun and more interesting." - Edward de Bono

"Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it." - C. S. Lewis

"Out of limitation come creativity." - Debbie Allen

"A truly creative person rids him or herself of all self-imposed limitations." - Gerald G. Jampolsky
"Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Can anybody be given a great degree of creativity? No. They can be given the equipment to develop it - if they have it in them in the first place." - George Shearing

"Creativity and artistic endeavours have a mission that goes far beyond just making music for the sake of music." - Herbie Hancock
Creativity is where a person creates something new that is individual and original. It can be a product, piece of art, music, literature etc that is different, shows an inspiring concept, brings new ideas or meaning to the audience, something that expresses emotions and ideas to the viewer. Creativity is usually inspired by other creative products or ideas but can be totally original and innovative. Time and equipment has limited my creativity to some extent because I've had to work in a time frame and use resources that were on offer to me however with more time and a wider range of resources I could have been more creative and created a better outcome. While working to the brief it wasn't too difficult to still be creative because I was able to adapt it to my skills and experiment with new technologies to make a creative product. A lot of my creativity is about trial and error because I need to test, practice and adapt my ideas before I create an effective outcome. For example with my digipak I played around in photoshop and the image on the front cover til I was happy that it worked.
To some extent working within conventions has stifled my creativity because I've had to ignore some ideas because they would not appeal to the audience. For example, at one point I wanted to include more abstract effects in the music video however we decided that it did not really fit with the mainstream pop genre of the music.


During the planning and research stages of the production, various different technologise were used.
Firstly, in order to decide which song would be the basis of the final product, I had to do extensive research into various music genres. In doing this, mp3 players were used to listen to various music tracks and YouTube an online video search provider.

I used my Macbook Pro to access the internet throughout my project and this was useful to research similar music artists to the one’s that I had on my iPhone, and on YouTube. Computers were also the main technology used when researching into album covers and magazine adverts that had been produced. Additional research into digipaks was undertaken investigating existing CDs which I owned

During the construction and evaluation stages of the production, there were a vast different forms of technology used to create the music video, the magazine advert and the CD digipak.
During the construction of the music video…
  • Canon DSLR Camera - To film the music video.
  • Adobe Premiere CS6 - To edit the raw footage I had filmed.
During the construction of the magazine advert…
  • Adobe InDesign - To design the layout of the advert.
  • Canon DSLR Camera - To take a picture of band.
  • Adobe Photoshop CS6 - To produce the picture of the planet.
During the construction of the digipak…
  • Adobe Photoshop CS6 - To design the layout of digipak
  • Canon DSLR Camera - To take still shots of the band members.
  • Adobe Photoshop CS6- To create images to use on the pages of the inlay card.